
Body of lies movie reviews
Body of lies movie reviews

body of lies movie reviews

As for Strong’s character, he’s more on the ball and has the ability to overcome the manipulations and coercions applied by the US government. These continued incursions allow for DiCaprio to showcase his acting strengths mainly running through the entire emotional spectrum as few can. From a personal standpoint, I can’t say I blame him for his frustrations, as working under those conditions is damn near impossible. In DiCaprio’s case, he’s simply fed up with the bureaucratic bullshit which, time and time again, causes him to sacrifice hard earned sources and jeopardize his missions (not to mention his own life). The guys feeling the short end of the stick are the characters portrayed by DiCaprio and to a lesser extent Strong, both of whom put on show-stopping performances. This fundamental ideological difference creates an atmosphere ripe for disagreements, lies and double crosses. Hoffman doesn’t agree, thinking American technology can overcome any and all local input. To gain access, Ferris quickly realizes he needs the aid of Hani Salaam (Mark Strong), the head of Jordanian Intelligence. When a situation ends poorly in Iraq (Hoffman turns his back on an informant which leads to Ferris’ discovery), Ferris is shipped to Jordan to lead an effort to infiltrate a suspected safe house for an al-Qaeda-like leader Al-Saleem (Alon Aboutboul).

body of lies movie reviews

His cynicism grows because his handler, Ed Hoffman (Russel Crowe), who rests comfortably in his home in the States, views Ferris’ marks as an expendable resource to be used and tossed away once their information has been mined.

body of lies movie reviews

In it, Leonardo DiCaprio becomes Ferris, the street smart and increasingly disenfranchised CIA agent trying like hell to make a real difference in the war on terror. But aside from that, I’ll give Ridley Scott credit he deftly avoided making the same agenda driven mistakes in his latest thriller Body of Lies that recent government spy thrillers have fallen into, putting together arguably one of the best written, directed and acted films of the year. It is an excruciatingly tense scene that would have gone a lot farther without the obvious shot at the current political landscape. “Welcome to Guantanamo”, Al-Saleem says to Roger Ferris before he crushes his fingers with a hammer.

Body of lies movie reviews